Monday, February 2, 2009

True Satisfaction

So we are watching a movie in AP biology right now about two scientists Watson and Crick who are trying to find the structure of DNA. The movie takes place right after WWII and the two scientists end up winning the nobel prize for their work. Anyways one of them says "true satisfaction doesnt come from know the answer, it comes from knowing why it is the answer." This was such an awesome quote and it really put into perspective everything in my life. I have always wanted to know everything in my future, but now I realize to understand why I want something I need to understand in my past what created that desire. My past is what truly defines me and has put me on the path I am on now. He knows why I am doing anything before I even know I will do it. I also realized that sometimes it is better to take things slower to fully enjoy them and understand why they heppened. Then I get a chance to fully understand where and why my life is going in a certain direction...

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