Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In GOD'S Will

So I know I just posted a blog but I am bored in yearbook class so I want to do another one. Have you ever had that feeling that what you are doing seems the opposite of what you want but you know what it is what God wants? Well recently it happened to me and it feels really weird and yet good at the same time. I always here stories from older people about how they wish they had done what God wanted them to do and could change their past. Well I listened to Proverbs and took some advice from some people older than me mainly my small group leader, parents, and my youth group leader. They always tell me that you should be in God's will and even though you can not see the outcome when you do it, you will when it is all over. I can not wait to see what the outcome will be but I know that it will be beneficial for me even if I have to wait a month or twenty years...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like this....can i be nosy and ask what exactly you are referring to?